Friday, August 7, 2009

A Midnight Run - More than what it seems

About 1/2 an hour ago, my wife left to go for a 5k which will begin at midnight and, for her, end about 27 minutes later. There're no redcoats coming, no security or other issue at hand. Why might I ask, would someone want to run at midnight. The answer, I believe, comes from another midnight. New Year's Eve coming into the 2009 year. We decided that this year we would write down our goals on a piece of paper so big we couldn't miss them. Then we would hang them up in our bedroom so that we could see them staring at us every day. Almost staring us down, daring us to complete what would seem like altogether impossible goals.

Yet, as the proverb from someone no-one seems to know says, the best way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time.

We made many goals, like fix the gate to our back yard. Financial goals like get out of debt. There were also physical goals, Brit's being run several (she has a number but I can't remember it off the top of my head) 5ks this year. As I sit here writing this I think that there is something more. There is something beyond the race, yes beyond the gate or debt. The real reason we have goals and something to shoot for is because we are trying to become better people.

My wife is right now getting set at the starting line of the race; ready to run into the night until she has one more check box on our goal chart to cross off. But is it just a check box, or is she herself becoming a better person, a better mother, a better and more useful daughter of God? I believe that she is accomplishing what I thought at the beginning of this year impossible, she is becoming a better Brittany.

1 comment:

  1. Matt, I just discovered your blog (shame on me!) and I LOVE it! Great thoughts, all the way through. And...I agree with you: it's impossible for Brittany to get any better; she's already "practically perfect in every way," as Mary Poppins would say...but somehow she keeps going onward and upward. You are all wonderful! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY, dear son!
